#ClimateChange has continued to take social media by storm this week. Here are some of our favourite climate tweets that you might have missed.
Earth Day
On Monday, former US President Barack Obama marked Earth Day by warmly praising the young people making a stand to protect the environment for their generation and those to come. Well worth a click and scroll.
Young people all over the world are leading the way in the fight to protect our planet because they know their future depends on it. This Earth Day, I want to celebrate the courageous, committed young leaders who are stepping up to save the one planet we’ve got.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 22, 2019
Greta around Europe
Greta Thunberg not only featured on Obama’s list, but on many front pages this week as she paid visits to the Pope, the Italian senate, the European parliament and the UK parliament.
#TiempoDeActuar | El Papa pide a @GretaThunberg que siga adelante en su lucha por el clima. #TimeForAction Más info en https://t.co/DIQXbrYgpd vía @elpais_espana 😌♻️ pic.twitter.com/gt1OBfHuim
— COP25 (@COP25CL) April 20, 2019
Mentre ascolto #GretaThunberg al Senato sono seduta a fianco di alcuni bambini.
Avranno l’età di mia figlia.Quello vicino a me dice: “#Greta parla bene, si capisce quello che dice e sono d’accordo con lei. Ma quando parlano gli altri, non si capisce niente.”
Ecco. pic.twitter.com/hMZEyDvFMk
— Beatrice Brignone (@beabri) April 18, 2019
Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg is visiting the European Parliament to discuss climate issues. https://t.co/QkRU490USA
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) April 16, 2019
The young striker @GretaThunberg is on the front page of the Times, the Metro and the Guardian and the Times leads with Theresa May being empty chaired. Including XR last week can you remember the last time you saw this many front pages about climate change? #youthstrike4climate pic.twitter.com/uNDAIejaHK
— Hannah Martin (@Hannah_RM) April 23, 2019
Her inspiring, and very feisty, speech in London is worth a full read and can be accessed here.
Our future was stolen from us every time you said that ‘the sky was the limit’, and that ‘you only live once’.
My full speech at the British Parliament in print.#fridaysforfuture #SchoolStrike4Climate #ClimateStrike https://t.co/yfnlzVhPN8
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) April 23, 2019
Twitter was full of support for her messages, and enjoyment at the way she presented them.
“Did you hear what I just said?
Is my English OK?
Is the microphone on? Because I’m beginning to wonder.”@GretaThunberg throwing spectacular and well deserved shade at UK Parliament for ongoing lack of #ClimateAction#GretaInParliament pic.twitter.com/8Tmx6zsNPI
— Rachel Kennerley (@rjkennerley) April 23, 2019
Of course, no one should be surprised by Greta’s choice of transport for her European adventure:
Good night from the night train to Stockholm! pic.twitter.com/yOt7SRd8D9
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) 24 april 2019
For Science!
Greta stressed the importance of listening to climate scientists, and Carbon Brief put together this fascinating animation, showing countries’ historic contribution to CO2 emissions.
Animation: The countries with the largest cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750
Ranking as of the start of 2019:
1) US – 397GtCO2
2) CN – 214Gt
3) fmr USSR – 180
4) DE – 90
5) UK – 77
6) JP – 58
7) IN – 51
8) FR – 37
9) CA – 32
10) PL – 27 pic.twitter.com/cKRNKO4O0b— Carbon Brief (@CarbonBrief) April 23, 2019
It’s all about those curves.
Climate Change: The Facts
This week David Attenborough’s documentary Climate Change: the Facts aired in the UK. If you missed it, here’s a neat summary.
“We are running out of time, but there is still hope” – David Attenborough#EarthDay pic.twitter.com/d5d3ATgDz8
— BBC Earth (@BBCEarth) April 22, 2019
Many people took to Twitter to applaud the show.
The BBC’s #ClimateChangeTheFacts was hugely powerful
But there is hope. Especially since the policies we need to address the #ClimateEmergency are positive policies that would improve our lives in so many ways …..
Which gives me an excuse to share my favourite cartoon 👇 pic.twitter.com/sNXeOThVw7
— Caroline Lucas (@CarolineLucas) April 18, 2019
We hear, for those outside the UK, that Climate Change: the Facts might be available to watch on YouTube somewhere…
Allegory is Coming
But while many tuned in to watch David Attenborough, many more chose to watch a show with a more fantastical climate emergency.
Game of Thrones is actually about climate change and how humanity ignores it because of petty concerns about wealth and power when really we need to unite to save the planet, in this essay I will
— Juliet Mushens (@mushenska) April 23, 2019
It’s hard to miss the parallels between the crises affecting fictional Westeros and our own planet, and even George RR Martin agrees (scroll down to Farhad Manjoo’s question).
What next?
While all the talk of panic and urgency may make many of us feel powerless, we each have a valuable role to play in the fight against climate breakdown.
There are many ways to act, including changing our own carbon-heavy behaviours, becoming more aware of the issues and putting pressure on governments and industry.
Recent climate marches and the Extinction Rebellion movement have shown that people truly do have the power to set the political agenda.
« On est plus chaud, plus chaud que le climat » : à Paris ou Londres, la désobéissance civile s’intensifie. Deux mille militants à La Défense hier et Extinction Rebellion qui voit ses soutiens augmenter https://t.co/T17ZcWK0OV
— Audrey Garric (@audreygarric) April 20, 2019
Another way we can influence the future of climate action is by using our votes wisely in this year’s local, national and European elections.
Climate change will be key issue in EU elections, poll shows https://t.co/l983rMBEuR
— EURACTIV Energy and Environment (@eaEnergyEU) April 16, 2019
So with the European Parliament elections fast approaching, have you registered to vote?
“It’s essential to vote in the European election” says @GretaThunberg 🗳️
Many people effected by the crisis of #climatechange will have no say 🌍🌡️#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #EP2019 pic.twitter.com/6UFu3afZlp
— Greenpeace EU (@GreenpeaceEU) April 16, 2019
Are you ready to check out your candidates’ voting history and commitments?
Many MEPs applauding #GretaThunberg have spent the legislature sabotaging #ClimateChange solutions & ecological transition. People must check candidates record and commitments, vote and tell the they expect honesty & sense of urgency. #IVoteNature #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/MtnSpTgpMy
— Ariel Brunner (@ArielBrunner) April 17, 2019
And are you going to vote for candidates committed to drastic action on climate change?
What happens when 82% of people demand action to protect the planet and build a better future?
We’re about to find out… #ElectionRebellion ✊#EP2019 #EUelections2019 #ThisTimeImVotinghttps://t.co/c117kKYh7w
— EEB (@Green_Europe) April 19, 2019